A new adventure!

As of May 10, 2012, I now live in northern Virginia near Washington, DC! So many big changes have happened in a short amount of time. I’m not sure it’s all really hit me quite yet. After two years of having no luck finding a job back in Minnesota, within 4 days of being in Virginia, I had a job offer. And it was an offer for the most amazing job I have had. I truly do not believe my luck yet. Pinch me! I started about a...

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Time & Motion

The illusion of motion is quite interesting. Depending on the purpose of the image, it can illustrate the point much better than an image where everything looks still (such as a photo of a dancer. The very essence of a dancer is movement). Storyboard project for university. Team members created the imagery for the story, and I animated it in Flash. Coming up with the timeline overall, and timing each little piece of every image to...

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Pattern & Diagram

I love pattern! I’m the type of person who likes order, so pattern speaks to me. There’s a geometry and mathematical element to pattern that I enjoy. And the more intricate a pattern can be, the more it can come alive. Diagrams I can’t say have been anything I can do yet. But they are wildly fascinating. I suppose that’s the order-lover in me. Everything connects and has a purpose. I remember the first time I...

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Rules & Randomness

As I understand it, the human brain is almost incapable of being truly random. Even if we think we’re “randomly” selecting or distributing something, if it’s examined closely, there is actually a underlying pattern. I’m a rules person, myself. I like things that make sense, a pattern, a clear purpose. That could be why I like building websites and hand-coding all the CSS. I like making all the rules and...

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Layers & Transparency

Layers I remember much much much earlier in my design career, trying to figure out how to draw a cat in Photoshop for the first time. When you use a tool like Photoshop for the first time (or even the first hundred times), it can be daunting, and I was unsure of where to even begin with drawing a cat illustration. Then my instructor introduced me to the concept of layers. It was the first time it hit me that, particularly with...

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